Imi place aceasta perioada din preajma Sarbatorilor. Este un amestec de euforie si liniste sufleteasca. Ma incanta si evenimentele care au loc acum. De curand am participat la un targ foarte dragut, care a avut loc in cadrul cafenelei Moszkva din Oradea. De la produse bio si pana la accesorii handmade, am vazut o gramada de lucruri dragalase. Am gasit sapunuri 100% naturale in forma de prajituri sau reni ori accesorii din paste. How cute is that? 🙂
Am degustat vinuri si turta dulce si m-am delectat cu produse vintage precum posete, accesorii sau semne de carte. Actrita Adela Lazar (vezi foto mai jos) este detinatoarea Hadella Shop si are un talent innascut la pictura. De la noptiere si pana la pantofi, nimic din ce trece prin mana Adelei nu ramane necolorat! 😉
Pentru ceasurile in forma de bufnita este responsabil Flavius Bunoiu, de la Atelierul lui Habarnam. Merita sa aruncati o privire si asupra lucrarilor Rebekkai Ivacson, care decoreaza fete de perna si alte obiecte cu desenele ei minunate.
Iar in ceea ce priveste produsele bio, mi-au placut in mod special cele de la Endea Soap, 100% naturale si foarte dragut ambalate. In plus, atunci cand vremea permite, cei de la Endea Soap au si livrari bio – cu bicicleta! Mi se pare o idee foarte simpatica!
Gata, va las cu pozele si va doresc sa profitati din plin de atmosfera Craciunului – este cu adevarat unica 🙂
I love the period before Christmas. It’s a mix of happiness and inner peace. I also like the events that usually take place in these special times. A few days ago I took part at a special Christmas fair within the Moszkva coffeehouse from Oradea. From bio products to handmade accessories, I saw a lot of pretty things. I found 100% natural soaps in form of reindeers or cookies. How cute is that? 🙂
I also tasted wine and ginger bread and I was truly enchanted by the vintage products like bags, accessories or bookmarks. The actress Adela Lazar (see photo below) is a talented painter. Nothing that runs through her hands – from nightstands to shoes – remains uncoloured! 😉
The owl-clocks belong to Atelierul lui Habarnam, owned by Flavius Bunoiu. You should also take a look at the work of Rebekka Ivacson, which decorates pillowcases and other objects with her wonderful illustrations.
I also liked the Endea Soap products, which are 100% natural and very nicely packaged. Endea Soap is also characterized by bio delivery – when the weather is friendly enough, they deliver their products by bike! I found this a very cute idea!
Now I’ll let you with the photos and I wish that you fully enjoy this pre-Christmas time! It’s definitely unique! 🙂