Acum vreo unsprezece ani, am iesit din casa intr-un fel in care nu mai iesisem pana atunci. M-am oprit in pragul usii si-am intepat orizontul cu privirea. Uf, ce decisa eram sa cuceresc … nu orasul, nu tara, ci lumea. Ai mei, daca ar fi putut, mi-ar fi instalat un sistem de franare. Din exces de zel. Dintr-o nevoie coplesitoare de protectie. Pot sa spun ca la acel moment eram singura persoana care a avut incredere in ea insasi, in timp ce ceilalti erau furati de indoiala si insecuritate. Doar eu puteam sa ma reincarc constant cu ambitie si perseverenta, sa ajung acolo unde eram convinsa ca pot sa ajung. Atunci, doar eu am crezut in mine insami. Astazi, sunt peste 20,000 de oameni frumosi care fac acest lucru … nu pot decat sa va multumesc.
About eleven years ago, I left my house in a way I have never done before. I stopped in front of it and stung the horizon with a glimpse. I was so keen on conquering the whole world … If only they could, my dear ones would have provided me with a brake system. They wanted to protect me. Badly. At the time I was the only person who trusted herself. Meanwhile, the others were trying to survive in doubt and insecurity. I was the only one who managed to recharge herself with ambition and perseverance. To arrive there. Where I’ve always wanted to be. I was the only one who believed in myself. Today, there are more than 20,000 persons who believe in me. Thank you …