Dimineata de vineri. Parasesc somnoroasa patul si observ cu stupoare cum, dincolo de draperiile impozante din camera hotelului Grand Hotel Italia, se asternuse peste noapte o mare de zapada. Inca ningea tare. Nu-mi venea sa cred ca asa vom intampina primavara.
Dar fulgii de nea nu m-au descurajat. Mi-am incarcat bateriile cu un mic dejun revigorant si, in jurul orei pranzului, am facut inregistrarea la conferinta „The Woman”, unde am primit un ecuson sic. M-am indreptat spre sala mare de conferinte, unde la ora 14 Amalia Sterescu a deschis evenimentul. Amalia Sterescu este o persoana incantatoare, genul de om care iti da impresia, cel putin pentru cateva clipe, ca pana si muntii se pot muta din loc! Cu aceasta ocazie a avut loc si lansarea cartii „Tango cu viata”, care prezinta axele cele mai importante din viata Amaliei: familia, cariera si trairile interioare.
Friday morning. I slowly leave my bed and I am surprised to see that, behind the elegant curtains in the room of Grand Hotel Italia, I could see a lot of snow on a day of March. Actually, it was still snowing. I couldn’t believe that we were welcoming spring this way.
But it didn’t bother me. I ate an energizing breakfast and went to register for `The Woman` conference about noon. I received a chic name card and I went to the conference room, where Amalia Sterescu opened the event. Amalia seemed a wonderful and very dynamic person, which gave you the impression, at least for a few moments, that you could move mountains! It was the perfect occasion to launch her first book – Tango with life – which describes her experiences on many levels: family, career, inner experiences …
Mi-am dat seama ca nu v-am povestit nimic despre tinuta mea 🙂 Am ales un deux-pieces pastelat, o camasa si o pereche de pantofi cu toc stiletto. Iar rujul in culoarea burgundy si buclele tip-valuri m-au ajutat sa confer un aer sofisticat intregului outfit. In a doua poza puteti face cunostinta cu o prietena draga – Laura Puscas.
I realised that I didn’t tell you anything about my outfit. 🙂 I chose a deux-pieces in pastel colours, a shirt and some stiletto shoes. The burgundy lipstick and the wavy curls helped me obtain a sophisticated look. In the second photo you can meet Laura Puscas, a very dear friend.
Dintre paneluri mi-a placut mult cel intitulat `Business local de succes`, unde am auzit povestindu-se despre experientele a trei antreprenoare: Sigina Luca, Genoveva Hossu si Alexandra Stoica. Ideile pe care ni le-au dat cele trei doamne sunt usor de aplicat, dar totodata foarte, foarte utile!
I loved the panel about `Successful local businesses`, where I could hear about the experiences of three entrepreneur ladies: Sigina Luca, Genoveva Hossu and Alexandra Stoica. Their ideas are very helpful, but still easy to apply!
Panelul 4, la care au participat Patrizia Paglieri, Amalia Enache, Corina Dobre si Carmen Goldenberg, a fost absolut incantator! 🙂 Cele patru doamne au vorbit despre pasiunea in munca, idei despre viata si obiective pe termen lung sau pe termen scurt. Vreau sa mentionez ca Patrizia Paglieri este un personaj incantator, care a uimit prin felul unic de a povesti si de a emana energie pozitiva prin toti porii!
The Panel no. 4, where Patrizia Paglieri, Amalia Enache, Corina Dobre and Carmen Goldenberg participated, was amazing! 🙂 The four ladies spoke about their passion, ideas about life and their objectives in the future. I want to highlight the fact that Patrizia Paglieri is a wonderful person, that amazed through her unique way of telling stories about her own life and the way she transmits positive energy!
Dupa cum puteti vedea, si decoratiunile au fost foarte frumoase … pentru mai multe fotografii de la eveniment, puteti accesa acest link.
As you can see, the decorations were also very beautiful … for more photos from the event, please go to this link.
Photographer: Lucian Zaharie Anton